In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Korean Academy of Film Arts, an institution pivotal to the advancement of Korean cinema, a special Korean film program composed of 3 short and 3 feature films by Korean master directors, Jang Joon-hwan, Kim Soyoung and Hur Jin-ho. This program will showcase three graduation works that have garnered significant acclaim at overseas film festivals, along with the debut and outstanding works of the artists. The selected films presented in this event encompass experimental pieces delving into the contradictions prevalent in Korean society, as well as films that explore imaginative genres, both of which have captured public attention. These works offer an opportunity to appreciate how these short stories have paved the way for their transformation into feature films. The featured films include: “Christmas in August” (1998), a compelling portrayal of Korean melodrama aesthetics. “Save The Green Planet!” (2003), an imaginative Korean science fiction masterpiece. “Sound of Nomad: Koryo Arirang” (2017), an evocative depiction of the life of a descendant of Goryeo, who finds themselves in Kazakhstan. Each of these masterpieces encapsulates the quintessence of Korean cinema and exemplifies the artistic prowess of their creators. The exhibition promises to be a celebration of Korean film’s rich heritage and its significant impact on the global cinematic landscape.

2001 Imagine (Open Eye)
Alone Together (Open Eye)
Christmas in August (Open Eye)
Fantasy in Winter (Open Eye)
Save The Green Planet! (Open Eye)
Sound of Nomad: Koryo Arirang (Open Eye)