International confederation of art cinemas jury 2024

Erdmann Lange, born 1975 in Rastatt in the southwest of Germany, studied psychology and German literature. He works as cinema programmer and marketing director for the two well-known arthouse fi lm theatres ATLANTIS and ODEON in Mannheim / Germany since 2004. Both cinemas have received many awards for their diverse and culturally valuable programming and their special events over the last 20 years, by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg as well as by the German government. The cinemas also have been home for the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg for many years. Besides his duties as a programmer, Erdmann Lange has served as a jury member for the European art cinema federations Europa Cinemas and CICAE at various international fi lm festivals, such as Venice, Locarno, Sarajevo, Hamburg, Berlin and Vilnius. In addition to working in the cinema industry, he also is active as a songwriter and lyricist for various German speaking artists and singers.