2022.09.16. 12:27

This year, the CineFest local patriotic city and film history program – named after the city’s first cinema – commemorates the 120th anniversary of the birth of Oscar-winning filmmaker Emeric Pressburger.

THEY WERE ALSO FROM MISKOLC: Time travel in Miskolc in Pressburger’s time

Miskolc is not only the birthplace of Oscar-winning Imre Pressburger: at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Miskolc was an exceptionally exciting city, home to many artists and intellectuals.

They will be the subjects of the discussion organized by the Tükörkép Association and the CineFest. The participants of the round table discussion are Vilmos Fedor, László Szunyogh, and Zoltán Reiman.

16 September 2022 18:00
Sub Rosa Cafe
Miskolc, Széchenyi str. 21.

At Sub Rosa Café, the exhibition linked to the program presents the life of Emeric Pressburger. The exhibition is free to visit every day from 11:00 to 18:00 during the CineFest.
9-17 September 2022 11:00-18:00
Sub Rosa Cafe
Miskolc, Széchenyi str. 21.

Kapcsolódó program:
Apolló program (Apolló program)